Here at Harbourside Physiotherapy, we have a 34 degree salt water chlorinated hydrotherapy pool. Whilst this is extensively used for rehabilitation by our Physiotherapists for 1:1 therapy, Physio led exercise or classes, you can also book to use the pool independently, without seeing a Physio.
All you need to do to book is contact us via telephone/email/Facebook or online via our website (private hire only). This can be a ‘private hire’, where you have the pool to yourself, or a ‘mixed session’ – 2-3 people sharing the pool & doing their own exercises – both for 30 or 60 minutes.
If access is an issue for you, our stairs getting into the pool are like those in a house, with a hand-rail, rather than the typical vertical ladders in swimming pools. We also have a very user-friendly chair hoist in & out of the pool. Our changing facilities are very spacious, with hand-rails & plenty of space for wheelchairs. In addition, there is parking for clients with disabilities right outside the practice.
The pool is open from 9-5 Mon, Tues, Wed & Frid, extending to 8pm on Thursdays, plus Saturdays from 9-1. Aside from some medical reasons that restrict people using the pool (which will be screened at your first hydrotherapy session), our hydrotherapy pool is largely for everyone.
Call Harbourside today on 01736 366224 or email us at main@harboursidephysiotherapy.co.uk to book in with one of our Specialist Neurological Physiotherapists at Harbourside Physiotherapy today for an initial assessment and we can assess and work with you with the aim of making functional improvements and improving your overall quality of life.
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